All the ingredients of the cascading success story were gathered that evening: an outstanding host, Bruno Guglielminetti, one of « the best experts of all the islands in cyberspace, » came straight from Quebec just for the evening. The awards were presented in 9 categories. To learn more and see pictures, click here
[nzs_heading heading= »5″] Who is Bruno Guglielminetti? [/nzs_heading]
After having worked at Radio-Canada as a specialist of new information technology, Bruno Guglielminetti he acts today as Director of Digital Communication for NATIONAL public relations firm in Montreal. Author of the best-seller « Les 1000 meilleurs sites en français de la planète » (The 1000 Best French Sites on the Planet ») published by Logique, in 2003 he received « le Prix du Communicateur de l’année » (Communicator of the Year Award) by l’Association internationale des Professionnels de la Communication (The International Association of Communication Professionals). In 2004, he earned Office québécois de la langue française French Language Merit Award in the area of new technology. In 2009, he received le prix d’Excellence (Award of Excellence) in scientific and technical journalism from the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance in Ottawa. A tribute that designates him the « high tech Fernand Séguin » in Canada.
Le Meilleur du Web (The « Best of the Web ») Association was very proud to welcome him to Switzerland as a presenter of this 2013 edition ceremony.
Watch the RTS report about Le Meilleur du Web (« Best of the Web ») now:
Miki’s columns can be found here, and here BE VISIBLE ON THE WEB, BE BREEW