storytelling, miki and breew – a great campaign!

After performing an analysis of the personality and corporate breew culture, agency LETTERS OF OR was proposed to work on three main axes online , ie website, newsletter and social networks , while leveraging their specific languages ​​. This is how Miki emerged .


Developed by the agency LETTERS OF OR not arouse any emotion if it was not flanked by the control and use of different registers of language that you come across in business communication. It is the strength of this agency : flexibility, creativity and responsiveness in creating regular content for its customers. Different target audiences are and shoe their feet, at least, content to their demands.

Not to annoy users on social networks with mundane content, or to avoid not having to post new topics after a few weeks, Rosita Oppizzi invented « Miki, columnist breew », which relates the adventures of backstage team breew. From week to week, the agency LETTERS OF OR fueling social networks with episodes evoking the adventures and misadventures of Miki when shooting, prospecting client outings conferences or seminars, or at leisure .

Subscribe here to our articles and discover the next week in Part 3 Article how Miki is becoming a symbol of breew brand.

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